Remote Controlled Studio : Getting Started

Remote Controlled Studio

Download and install list to get started

  1. Install and register with
    Save your info so you can share your username with other collaborators and setup a shared Folder.

  2. Install the Audio Movers “ListenTo” plugin for your DAW. If your collaborator already has an account you don’t need to subscribe as they can use their credential to login. But at $10 a month, it’s a great investment!
    Alternatively or additionally (to have options), install the Source Nexus core audio driver (Mac OS X only) and register for an account on: Source Connect NOW it’s free and will enable sending audio to collaborator via an aggregate device.

  3. Register and install Discord for your computer. Save your Discord username so you can share with collaborators. It should look something like: mixedbyt#4896

  4. Optionally, go to: and setup your computer to “Get Support” this will install a chrome extension enabling your collaborator to log into your computer and control your DAW. To do that you will need to generate a code and share that code with your collaborator. I also recommend checking out Jump Desktop by Phase Five Systems as well as Jump Desktop Connect (for the performer’s side).

Cyrille Taillandier